Or should that be another tick thanks to a weather balloon? The balloon went over mid-afternoon trailing a long wire with what i presume was recording equipment, putting up every bird for a mile radius, including two MISTLE THRUSHES that flew NW towards the towans. Species number 93! Not a great deal else of note but there is a large flock of pipits and finches in the distant fields that will be worth a look with the scope tomorrow, too far away for the bins today. A Grey Heron flew west early this afternoon and a distant Peregrine was to the north.
Ive decided Im going to keep a garden Yearlist in 2010 and record everything on this blog. I'll count all species seen from the perimeters of my house and garden. I must total up the species that have actually occured IN my garden i.e. not flyovers.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Bad Guts
......are not good. And having spent two days in bed with sickness, i have managed to look out of the kitchen window on about two occasions! Just long enough yesterday to see a Cormorant fly up from the pond and a Bullfinch, nice male, in the trees in the boat yard. Still feel crap. Wish i could go back to bed!
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
New Species for the list!
A flock of approximately 150 Herring Gulls and 30+ Black-headed Gulls decended on the field opposite the cottage yesterday and a scan with the scope produced an adult and a first winter Med Gull! That brings the garden tally to 92. Nothing much else to report. The rarest thing in the sky these days is the sun!
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