Tuesday, 24 November 2009

PACIFIC DIVER - Carnsew Pool

Managed to sneak out for a view of the Pacific Diver at Carnsew over the last few days. It showed relatively well but spent a lot of time under water, feeding. Today i arrived at about 08.20hrs and the only other birder there, nice to meet you Mr Gibb, hadn't seen it. A few minutes of explaining that it usually arrives as the tide comes in etc, etc and low and behold, right on cue, Diver arrives. I wondered if the bird was swimming up the channel and then hopping over into the basin or was it actually flying in straight from the bay? I have a few hours free in the morning so i may be able to enlighten you tomorrow. There was also a Red-breasted Merg on the pool.
A drive up to Porthgwidden car-park, St Ives produced a very close GN Diver offshore and six Purple Sandpipers on the rocks. Two other GN Divers were off Porthmeor, as was local and internationally known surfchick, Sassy Swallow. What a great name!
The Black Redstarts are still around the police station car park too.

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